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280 W River Park Drive Suite 110 Provo, UT


Treatment Results

Third-Party Research Study


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77% of Patients Report a Return to Normal Function

Improvements in anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep problems, vestibular-ocular functioning, neurocognitive functioning.

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94% Reported Reduction in Symptoms

In a study at University Medical Center Groningen, 94% reported a reduction in symptoms after treatment.

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85% Improvement-Cognitive Issues (Fatigue, Brain Fog)

Between treatment and the six-month follow 85% of patient treated report improvement in fatigue and brain fog.

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No improvement or regression.

Approximately 6% of the patients that we treat see no improvement or temporary regression after treatment.

Read The Study


6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Pre Treatment vs
Post Treatment
Severity Index Score (SIS)

  • 0-0.8 (Healthy)
  • 0.8-1.5 (Borderline)
  • 1.5+ (Traumatic Brain Injury mild, moderate, severe)
Brain Injury Are Unique Post Concussion

Patient Reviews

Treatment Team


 Neuropsychologist  Neurosurgeon
 Neuro-Radiologist  Psychologist
 Occupational Therapist  Speech Therapist
 Cognitive Therapist  Physical Therapist
 Registered Nurse  Vision Specialist
 Licensed Massage Therapist  Physical Therapy Assistants
 C.B.I.S.  Neuro Scientist
Final FMRI comparison image healthy vs injured post concussion
Get Started Today