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Benefits of a Booster Day

Image of Cognitive FX Team
Updated on 02 January, 2019
Medically Reviewed by

Dr. Alina Fong

Benefits of a Booster Day

Booster Days are designed to help previous Cognitive FX patients obtain additional support after EPIC Treatment if needed.

Booster days will focus on helping each patient improve based on their last fNCI scan. If your second scan after treatment is above healthy (.8), or if you feel like doing the recommended activities at home is not getting you where you want to be, then a booster day would be something you can do to help you continue making improvements.

Booster days are also a great way to re-focus your self-care routine, which can help you continue making improvements at home.  They can also be a way to get a refresher and get back on track, shifting your focus on creating habits to maintain a healthy brain.

There are a variety of options for booster days based on what your needs and wants are. Please contact us for the cost of whichever option you may be interested in.

1 Booster Day

We recommend a booster day to anyone who simply needs a refresher or needs a little more support to get back on track with their self-care after Treatment.

2 Boosters Days

We recommend 2 booster days to anyone who may feel like they need more support and want to have a better understanding of their needs for self-care.

3 Booster Days

We recommend 3 booster days for anyone who needs more extensive support and additional therapy to make significant improvements after treatment. If you are having a significant relapse of symptoms we encourage you to come for the full 3 booster days. If your follow-up scan after treatment was above a 2.0 we recommend coming for 3 booster days.

During each booster day, plan on having multiple appointments, in a similar fashion to what you experienced during Treatment.

Most importantly we want you to know that if you are experiencing symptoms again, hope is not lost, and there are things we can keep doing to help you to continue to improve. We are here to help you if you feel you need that additional support. 

We currently have openings for Booster Days in November and December. Please contact us for more information if you would like to schedule a Booster Day.


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