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BIAU Gives the 2017 Professional Award to Dr. Lynn Gaufin a Cognitive FX Partner

Image of Cognitive FX Team
Updated on 24 March, 2024
Medically Reviewed by

Dr. Alina Fong

BIAU Gives the 2017 Professional Award to Dr. Lynn Guafin a Cognitive FX Partner

Written by the Brain Injury Alliance of Utah 

BIAU Donette Rachelle White Memorial – Professional Award 2017: Lynn M. Gaufin, M.D.

Dr. Lynn M. Gaufin is the founder of the Utah Neurological Clinic in Provo Utah as well as a founding partner in Cognitive FX.

He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Utah and then attended medical school at Cornell University in New York City. After medical school he joined the Army and was a surgeon in the military before finishing his Neurological Residency at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Lynn-Gaufin-Professional-Award-2018Dr. Gaufin specializes in cervical and lumbar spine surgery, brain tumors, brain hemorrhages, and treatment of traumatic brain injuries. Dr. Gaufin is one of the emergency trauma neurosurgeons on call at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center (UVRMC). He is further affiliated with the American Fork Hospital, Orem Community Hospital, and Timpanogos Regional Hospital.

Before he began his practice in Utah he provided care for a significant number of individuals who sustained traumatic brain injuries during his career in the Army and his residency is Los Angeles.

He has received the Patient’s Choice Award (2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016) and the Compassionate Doctor Recognition Award (2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016) both five times.

Dr. Gaufin has been practicing for 51 years. He provides personal care to his patient’s during very difficult times. He creates a nurturing environment for his patient’s and insures that they feel understood and safe as they face life altering situations. He also includes families in the process to insure that all who are involved feel heard and understood.

We are proud to recognize Dr. Gaufin for his dedication to the people he helps and the brain injury community. Thank you for caring.


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