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The Cognitive FX Blog

Your source for everything you need to know about traumatic brain injury and concussions.

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Guest Author -- Aimee Mortensen


Support for Parents After Your Child or Teen is Diagnosed with Post-Concussion Syndrome

Guest Author -- Aimee Mortensen

Parents who support their children recovering from post-concussion syndrome or symptoms (PCS) are in challenging circumstances. Many times parents and their injured child, are not fully supported throughout recovery. Often they are left with unanswered questions, and they are left searching and seeking resources to help them to help their child. We have asked parents of our patients, and parents of those who take care of individuals with PCS for things that would help others in their journey and this is what we gathered.

The Recovery Rollercoaster

We know this process can be frustrating, overwhelming, and it is a roller coaster of emotions for all involved. Throughout this process, you may experience feelings of frustration, empathy, and in some cases even heartache, hopelessness, and fear. It’s hard to watch your child suffer and feel you can’t do anything about it.

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