New Concussion Guide Now Available
Over the last few monthsour teamhas been working on a new booklet to raise the level of awareness and education around concussions.
This Christmas we received many letters and thank you notes from some of our past patients. Joan shared her experience with us, and we wanted to share her experience with you.
December 20, 2016
Dear Friends,
I was sitting here counting all my many blessings this Christmas season, and top of the list was Cognitive FX!
I had my TBI may 9th 2016. When I was released from Utah Valley Hospital, I was told that there was no treatment for my injury. I was transferred to a rehab center in Provo near the hospital, where I watched others receive treatment for their injuries and get well and go home good as new, or almost.
I found this most interesting. I couldn’t figure out why a doctor and staff would tell me there was no treatment for my injury. Why not? That did not make any sense to me at all.
It was impossible for me to resign myself to a state of lethargic dependency. Yes, it would be easier to resign myself to a couch and just consider myself handicapped for the rest of my life, but the human spirit inside me could not be consoled, and it screamed out for alternatives.
Although my attention span was about 3 seconds, while in rehab, I search the web for any information, I could find on treatment for TBI’s. Thanks to a speech therapist at the center, who gave me a name of a place in Provo that was doing a study, I was able to find you!
Cognitive FX was the answer to all my searching, but the cost for us was prohibitive. We are both self-employed and no way could we take on debt for my treatment. I sadly parked the idea of Cognitive FX on the shelf one day, resigning myself to saying things like “I am 67. I guess what I have accomplished in my life will have to be enough, and I can accept what I cannot change.” In my heart, I just couldn’t accept that sort of defeat. I pleaded in my prayers for a solution to this dilemma.
One day bored out of my gourd; I decided just to try doing a few things around the house. I looked at the file cabinet sitting next to the computer and said hmm, that would be a good project. I began to go through it file by file, throwing away old outdated records and it made me feel like I was accomplishing something.
I happened to come across a folder that has an insurance policy in it. This policy was specifically for an accident. I noticed that payments were scheduled to be taken out of our checking account each month automatically. When I asked my husband about it, he thought he had canceled that policy. When I called to check and see, I found out that was not the case. The policy as current and it paid out a certain dollar amount for an accident. I just needed to fill out the forms, and they would send us a check.
As it turned out the check I received for my accident was for the EXACT amount of the cost of my treatment at Cognitive FX!
I have to tell you that what I learned from your program has helped me every day. Brainwaves, the games, the exercise program and believing in myself has made me almost whole. I can honestly say that I believe by May of 2017 I will have regained all that was lost. It has been hard work, but worth it.
I am so grateful for Dr. Alina Fong and her partner, Dr. Mark Allen, for doing this study. I think of all the people like me that could go back to work and function normally if they just had the money or the insurance coverage to allow them to get treatment.
It makes sense that if a bone or muscle can heal with therapy then why not your brain. I would think especially your brain. It just makes sense. Sometimes professionals seem to discount the easy answer. But what you have done is easy, and it works. There should be no “whys or how can it work?” if the results prove that your approach to healing works.
Now I have taken things a step further. I was 16 credits short of an associate degree before my accident. I plan on going back and finishing my degree. I also plan on learning Spanish. After that, I plan on challenging myself in other ways to keep my brain growing and healing. You have taught me what I can do, and because of the results I experienced, I know I can continue in ways I never thought possible. I would not lie to you and say that I am good as new. I know that I have had a serious accident. I feel it. I am a little slower with my words and in my thinking, but I can still do the things that I used to, and I am getting better at it every day. I am an artist by trade and hope to resume work in the spring.
Thank you for your wonderful loving and caring attitude at the facility. Never once did you make me feel stupid. It was very revealing to me how badly I was handicapped, but your constant encouragement helped me to stop thinking in that way. My world is different now that is for sure, but I am healthy and happy and have embraced my experience and have become more patient and understanding of others. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Warmest regards and many thanks from a grateful heart!
Your Friend Always,
Joan Durfey
Joan also shared her experience in a testimonial video below.
The "Cognitive FX Team" is a collaborative ensemble of distinguished doctors, therapists, and practitioners. Our experts are pioneers in the field of neuroimaging and concussion treatment. With extensive experience and a strong commitment to patient care, our team excels in utilizing cutting-edge technologies, such as functional MRI (fMRI), to provide personalized diagnostic and treatment strategies. Our renowned professionals have published groundbreaking research, developed innovative neuroimaging biomarkers, and conducted thousands of individualized patient assessments. We take pride in our holistic approach to patient care, focusing on physical, cognitive, and emotional aspects of recovery. As leaders in the industry, the Cognitive FX Team is dedicated to advancing the science of concussion diagnosis and treatment to provide our patients with the highest level of care and support.
Over the last few monthsour teamhas been working on a new booklet to raise the level of awareness and education around concussions.
Dr. Mark Allen, and Dr. Alina Fong presented at Pink Concussions 4th conference Pink 4 hosted in Rome, Italy after the Pediatric Aquired Brain Injury Conference.
This presentation explores important...
Published peer-reviewed research shows that Cognitive FX treatment leads to meaningful symptom reduction in post-concussion symptoms for 77% of study participants. Cognitive FX is the only PCS clinic with third-party validated treatment outcomes.
READ FULL STUDYPublished peer-reviewed research shows that Cognitive FX treatment leads to meaningful symptom reduction in post-concussion symptoms for 77% of study participants. Cognitive FX is the only PCS clinic with third-party validated treatment outcomes.