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The Cognitive FX Blog

Your source for everything you need to know about traumatic brain injury and concussions.

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Mental Health Support After a Brain Injury (2)

Mental Health – Where to Start After a TBI

Mental Health – Where to Start After a TBI?

Guest Author - Aimee Mortensen

If you have had a recent brain injury and are unsure how to deal with the symptoms and changes you are experiencing, then this post is for you! To begin with, we encourage you to find a doctor and work with them throughout your recovery. Finding the right doctor to be on your team is very important to a successful recovery. 

Typically, you will follow the return to play protocol, starting with rest and self-care. Then you can use the following suggestions to help you adjust to the changes after a concussion or TBI. I wish I had a list things to do to support me in my mntal health when I experienced my TBI. 

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Working Through Grief After a Concussion or Brain Injury

Working Through Grief After a Concussion or Brain Injury

Guest Author - Aimee Mortensen

Grief and loss are a part of life, but they are the least talked about part of life. Have you ever wondered why that is? It is because grief is HARD. Going through it is difficult. We seem to feel if we avoid talking about it, we will avoid feeling grief entirely. Wrong.

Maybe you have heard of the Stages of Grief, and maybe you haven’t. Either way, you are experiencing grief, due to a recent brain injury, concussion, TBI, or trauma. Learning about the stages of grief gives validation and understanding. But, know that there is no wrong way to grieve. There is only your way. Grief is unique. 

You may experience all of the stages, or you may not. In what order, for what length of time, or how severe it will be is unpredictable. Stages may last minutes, or months. Not knowing is the irritating part!

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler developed the Five Stages of Grief as a framework to deal with death, dying, and loss of a loved one. More information can be found at grief.com. I believe these stages apply to all loss, including brain injury.

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Positive Self-Talk Changing Our Mind to Change Our Actions

Positive Self-Talk: Changing Our Mind to Change Our Actions

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Cognitive FX Team

By Brittany Pritajel

Self-talk is a necessary skill to develop as you seek to increase your well-being. Self-talk is managing what you say to yourself (either out loud or in your head). As you look to improve your life after a concussion or injury you may target changing your behavior. It is important to know that behind the behavior is thoughts because what you think affects how you feel, and how you feel affects how you behave.

You can change how you talk to yourself. Positive self-talk can support you as you make changes in your life and strive to reach your goals in your concussion recovery.

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Having & Keeping Motivation in 4 Steps

Having & Keeping Motivation in 4 Steps

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Cognitive FX Team

By Brittany Prijatel, Sports Psychology Consultant

Motivation comes and goes, but one thing to remember is that it is possible to cultivate motivation. You can find and create motivation even when you are feeling unmotivated.

 As we move forward into the new year, we are at the height of personal change as well as establishing new routines.

Here are 4 tips to keep in mind as we approach all the changes that we are looking to incorporate into our life.

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Cultivating Gratitude

Cultivating Gratitude

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Cognitive FX Team

By Brittany Prijatel - Sports Psychological Consultant

Gratitude is a profound tool for cultivating positivity. Gratitude is simply the conscious act of bringing your attention to what you have or want to appreciate. More importantly, gratitude is a choice. By taking the time to appreciate the abundance that we have in our lives, we create a momentum towards receiving even more. When you begin to say thank you for the things that you have, and the kindness others share, you truly notice all the great things you have to be thankful for each day.

Gratitude has been demonstrated to have a large impact on multiple areas of your life. By being grateful studies have shown that individuals have seen improvements with:

  • Immune System
  • A Decrease in Blood Pressure
  • Improvements in Sleep & Relationships
  • Increases in Happiness
  • More Feelings of Enthusiasm, Interest, Attentiveness, Energy, & Determination
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Awareness & Concussion Recovery

Awareness & Concussion Recovery

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Cognitive FX Team

By Britany Prijatel - Cognitive FX Sports Psychology Consultant 

What is Awareness?

Awareness is defined as having knowledge, or being in the state or condition of being conscious of your surroundings. This concept can be applied to many different subjects, but awareness is an important part of understanding a concussion and your recovery process. It takes awareness to facilitate change, even if it is changing a mindset. 

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